UK Map- 3 Peaks, 3 Countries, 24 Hours


The Charities

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The Charities.

In June a team of firefighters from Barking White Watch will be attempting the Fire Service 3 Peaks Challenge.


Although it will be a great personal achievment for all the team to complete the 3 Peaks Challenge it is equally important we use the event to highlight the work and raise money for our chosen charities. This year we will be supporting the Burned Childrens Club, an Essex based charity providing supprt to young burns survivors and their families and the Firefighters Charity who provide assistance to serving and retired fire service personnel and their families.


As firefighters we know only too well the suffering that fire can cause, not only to members of public but also our colleagues and maybe someday even ourselves. Through our work we aim to reduce the number and impact of fires through prevention and intervention, however many people are still affected directly or indirectly by fire.

This is where you can help!

You can sponsor us using the forms available for download or you can even donate online, safely and securely, using

Burned Childrens Club- donate onlineFirefighters Charity- donate online


Please make this event a success and give generously, help these charities who provide much needed support to those in need.